piatok 14. júna 2013

Víkend s Lindou Poitevin - DEŇ 1 (úvod)

Tento víkend sme si spoločne so Mimi, pre vás pripravili menší projekt, ktorým vám chceme priblížiť sériu zo žánru urban fantasy - The Grigori Legacy a jej autorku Lindu Poitevin. 

A na čo sa môžete v rámci projektu tešiť?
14.6. - Interview s Lindou Poitevin, 10 vecí ktoré o autorke neviete + info o knihách
15.6. - Ukážky z kníh Sins of the Angels, Gwinneth Ever After

16.6. - Odhalenie anotácie k tretej knihe Sins of the Lost


This weekend, together with Mimi, we prepared for you a little project, where we want to bring near series from the urban fantasy genre – The Grigori Legacy and its author Linda Poitevin.

What can you look forward to during the project?
14.6. Interview with Linda Poitevin, 10 things, you didn’t know about the author + info bout the books
15.6. Sneak peaks form the books Sins of the Angels and Gwinneth Ever After
16.6. Unfolding of the synopsis of the third book Sins of the Lost

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